An RGB LED is a commonly used component in electronics, generally, as it is used for indication purposes. You can use RGB LED in various projects like portable flashlights, LED indicators, etc. An RGB LED can also be used for work according to a condition like for condition 1st Red will glow, for condition 2nd green will glow and for condition 3rd blue will glow. We can use three different LEDs to perform the same task, but this will increase the size of the circuit and took more space on the PCB or perf board.
RGB LEDs have four leads one for each LED and another for the common cathode. You can identify each lead by its length. With the LED facing you, so the cathode (the longest lead) is second from the left, the leads should be in the following order: red, cathode, blue, and green.
The best way to distinguish between a common cathode and common anode RGB LEDs is by using a multimeter.
Putting your multimeter is in continuity mode. Place the red multimeter tip on the longest LED lead. Then, place the black tip on one of the other leads.
If the LED lights up, this means you have a common anode LED
Red color
Maximum voltage/voltage: 2.8 V / 2 V
The brightness is about 1800-3000
Wavelength: 626 nm
green color
Maximum voltage/voltage: 3.5V / 4V
The brightness is about 3500-6000
Wavelength: 525 nm
blue color
Maximum voltage/voltage: 3.5V / 4.2V
The brightness is about 1300-2500
Wavelength: 470 nm