4 از 5.0 با 8 رای
شیلد دیتا لاگر برای ذخیره سازی اطلاعاتی که بعد از قطع برق نباید از بین برود استفاده میشود . در واقع این ماژول برای ارتباط بین میکرو کنترلر(آردوینو) با یک SD کارت استفاده میشود . این ماژول سامل تمام قطعات مورد نیاز برای راه اندازی یک SD کارت میباشد و کاربر را بی نیاز به طراحی مدار برای ارتباط با ماژول میکند.
این ماژول علاوه بر داشتن راه انداز SD کارت یک RTC نیز بروی این ماژول تعبیه شده است .
کنید که میخواهید دمای یک اتاق را در ساعت و تاریخ های مشخصی ذخیره کنید
برای این کار نیاز به دو ماژول جدا RTC برای شمارش ساعت ، تاریخ به صورت
دقیق و یک SD کارت برای ذخیره سازی اطلاعات . این شیلد هر دوی این قطعات را
در قالب یک ماژول در اختیار شما قرار میدهد
طلاعات راه اندازی شیلد دیتا لاگر
The Data Logger shield
comes tested assembled with all components and SD socket already on it,
but you'll still need to put headers on so you can plug it into an
Arduino. This Arduino data log shield is a dedicated, well-designed, and
not expensive data logging shield Which is originally designed by DEEK
ROBOT. This popular shield is"R3" compatible, so you can use it with
just about any Arduino. The big SD card slot can fit any SD/MMC storage
up to 32G and small as 32MB(Anything formatted FAT16 or FAT32). This
shield included RTC (Real Time Clock) can be used to timestamp all your
data with the current time.
Operating Voltage: 3.3V
Battery: CR1220 3V
Size: 68x52x19 mm
With this version you can use it with:
Arduino UNO or ATmega328 compatible - 4 analog channels at 10-bit resolution, 6 if RTC is not used
Arduino Leonardo or ATmega32u4 compatible - 12 analog channels at 10-bit resolution
Arduino Mega or ATmega2560 compatible - 16 analog inputs (10-bit)
Arduino Zero or ATSAMD21 compatible - 6 analog inputs (12-bit)
Arduino Due compatible - 12 analog inputs (12-bit)
If you have a UNO with a USB type B connector this shield may NOT WORK
because the male pins are NOT LONG ENOUGH. You can prove this by forcing
the D10 - D13 pins down when running your sketch. You may find then
that the SD card works but as soon as you let go you will probably get a
card read/write error. This shield works best, therefore, on an Arduino
UNO with a USB type A connector or Micro USB connector.
2. Arduino
Leonardo - The SD card is an SPI device but the shield has no ICSP
connector. On an Arduino Leonardo, SPI is only available via the ICSP
connector. You will need to connect pins D11 - D13 to the appropriate
pins on the Leonardo ICSP connector to use this shield.
3. Arduino
Mega - SPI pins are D50, D51, and D52 so these will need to be mapped
from the D11-D13 pins on the shield. Also, D53 is normally used for SS
rather than D10. On a Mega, A4 and A5 are not used for I2C but the
shield should map A4 and A5 to the I2C pins next to AREF. You may also
have the same problem with the USB type B connector.