5 از 5.0 با 1 رای
SDRAM: 256Mbit MT48LC16M16A2
FLASH: 128bit M25P128
Active crystal: 50MHz
USB to UART: CP2102
Analog to digital conversion: TLC549C Serial 8 bit
Digital to analog conversion: TLC5615C Serial 10 bit
VGA transmission: 256 8bit
PS/2 transmission: PS/2 interface jack
TFT touch screent: 2.4" ILI9341
Infared receiving: 38Khz
SD card: Micro SD
JTAG download interface: 2*5pin 2.54mm space
Expanion I/O interface: 2*30pin 2.54mm space
Capacitor key *4, TTP226
Touch key *4
LED light *8, orange
Digital tube *6 red
Dial switch *2
PCB: 12*17cm