4 از 5.0 با 3 رای
اتصالات نمایشگر 2.4inch LCD ILI9341
This 2.4 inch LCD module has 240 x 320 resolution and 65K color. It can handle most of the displaying tasks, many contents, graphs, sensor datas, user manual etc.. Also don’t worry about how to drive the display. The Adafruit’s ILI9341 Library works with this display perfectly.
medical devices
industrial systems
product name: 2.4 inch TFT LCD screen
physical dimension: 42.72 * 60.26 * 2mm
Display size: 36.72 * 48.96mm
Driver IC: ILI-9341
Interface Type: MCU parallel port 37pin pin 8 / 16bit
Backlight type: 4 * LED parallel voltage: 3.3V
Power consumption: 4.2-4.95W
Pin pitch: 0.8mm
Resolution: 240 * 320
Pin definition:
1. DB0: LCD data signal line
2. DB1: LCD data signal line
3. DB2: LCD data signal line
4. DB3: LCD data signal line
5. GND1: To the ground
6. VCC1: Analog circuit power supply (+2.5 - + 3.3V)
7. CS: Chip select signal is low
8. RS: Instruction / data selector, L: instruction, H: data
9. WR: LCD write control, low active
10. RD: LCD read control side, low effective
11. IMO / NC: Bit selection pin / floating
12. X +: Touch screen signal line
13. Y +: Touch screen signal line
14. X-: Touch screen signal line
15. Y-:Touch screen signal line
16. LEDA: Backlight LED positive terminal
17. LEDK1 acklight LED negative terminal
18. LEDK2: Backlight LED negative terminal
19. LEDK3: Backlight LED negative terminal
20.LEDK4:BacklightLED negative terminal
21. IM3 / NC: Bit selection pin / floating
22. DB4: LCD data signal line
23. DB8: LCD data signal line
24. DB9: LCD data signal line
25. DB10: LCD data signal line
26.DB11: LCD data signal line
27. DB12: LCD data signal line
28. DB13: LCD data signal line
29. DB14: LCD data signal line
30. DB15: LCD data signal line
31. RESET: Reset the signal line
32. VCI: Analog circuit power supply (+2.5 - + 3.3V)
33. VCC2: I / O interface voltage (-1.65 - + 3.3V)
34. GND: ground
35. DB5: LCD data signal line
36. DB6: LCD data signal line
37. DB7: LCD data signal line