Description:PAJ7620U2 can recognize 9 commonly used hand gestures for controlling arduino projects including move up, move down, move left, move right, move forward, move backward, circle-counter clockwise, circle-clockwise, and wave.These gestures data can be directally accessed via the I2C bus interface.
The PAJ7620 also gives built-in aility of proximity detection for the purpose of sensing object approaching or departing. The PAJ7620 is designed with great flexibility in power-saving mechanism.
This modules comes with in-built IR LED, optical CMOS array and uses I2C interface to control and program using Arduino microcontroller. PAJ7620U2 modules costs less than $3, and besides the Gesture Recognition modules, it also featured with
Built-in proximity detection,
Flexible power saving scheme,
Ambient light noise cancellation,
Nine gesture recognition (Up / Down / Left / Right / Push / Pull / CW / CCW / Wave),
Gesture speed is 60°/s to 600°/s in Normal Mode and 60°/s to 1200°/s in Gaming Mode,
Ambient light immunity: < 100k Lux.
I2C Interface upTo 400 Kb/Sec
Automobile Application
Home Automation
Low power battery operated HMI devices
Gesture-Controlled Lock
Hand Gesture Controlled Robot
Gesture Mouse
Operating voltage: 3.3V/5V
Communication interface: I2C
Recognition distance: 5cm ~ 15cm
Recognition rate: 240Hz
Recognition angle: 60° (diagonal)
Dimensions: 16mm × 20.18mm
Mounting hole size: 3.0mm
Current Consumption
Operation State : 2.82 mA
Standby State: 2.3mA