THDZ-1625 Passive Buzzer [4KHz] is a passive buzzer that beeps by a 4000 signal. For beeping, an active buzzer just needs a DC voltage, to generate a necessary tone using an internal oscillator. This is a small 16mm x 16mm rectangular passive buzzer that sounds around the audible 4kHz range. It can be driven directly from a 3v to 5V Arduino or microcontroller, to generate a simple melody. The buzzer leads are terminated with a male pin.
Piezo buzzers are simple devices that can generate basic beeps and tones. They work by using a piezo crystal, a special material that changes shape when a voltage is applied to it.
If the crystal pushes against a diaphragm, like a tiny speaker cone, it can generate a pressure wave that the human ear picks up as sound.
Notice boards
Electronic metronomes
Type: SMD1625
Rated Voltage(Square Wave): 3Vp-p
Operating Voltage: 1-30Vp-p
Rated Current(MAX): 1mA
Min Sound Output at 10 cm: 75dB
Resonant Frequency: 4000±500Hz
Operating Temperature: -20~+70
This passive buzzer requires a square wave (PWM) signal to make a sound or to play melodies. The frequency of this PWM signal will determine its sound tone.