These Hall-effect switches are monolithic integrated circuits with tighter magnetic specifications, designed to operate continuously over extended temperatures to +150°C, and are more stable with both temperature and supply voltage changes. The unipolar switching characteristic makes these devices ideal for use with a simple bar or rod magnet.
The four basic devices (3141, 3142, 3143, and 3144) are identical except for magnetic switch points.
Each device includes a voltage regulator for operation with supply voltages of 4.5 to 24 volts, reverse battery protection diode, quadratic Hall-voltage generator, temperature compensation circuitry, small-signal amplifier, Schmitt trigger, and an open-collector output to sink up to 25 mA. With suitable output pull up, they can be used with bipolar or CMOS logic circuits.
Magnetic encryption
Pressure gauge, counter pickup
Disc speed, measuring tape rotation
Flow rate measurement
Model: AH3144E
Input Voltage: 4.5V ~ 24V
Output Current: 25mA
Reverse Battery Voltage: -35V
Package: TO-92UA
Pin Number: 3 Pin
Operating Temperature:-40°C ~ +85°C
Storage Temperature: -65°C ~ +170°C
Superior Temp. Stability for Automotive or Industrial Applications
Activate with Small, Commercially Available Permanent Magnets
Solid-State Reliability
Small Size
Resistant to Physical Stress