The IRLB4132 transistor is considered as one of the MOSFET and n-channel type transistors, and its package is TO-220. The IRLB4132 MOSFET transistor has a low gate impedance and also has a low drain-source resistance of about 3.3 milliohms.
The high current in MOSFETs differentiates this category of transistors from ordinary transistors, and the current of 78 amps of this MOSFET has made it widely used in converters or charge converters or UPSs.
UPS systems
Low voltage power tools
Operating Temperature -55~+150℃
D/C 19+ 20+
Operating Temperature -55°C ~ 175°C (TJ)
FET Type N-Channel
Gate Charge (Qg) (Max) @ Vgs 54nC @ 4.5V
Vgs (Max) ±20V
Power Dissipation (Max) 140W (Tc)
Category MOSFET
Drain to Source Voltage (Vdss) 30V
Current - Continuous Drain (Id) @ 25°C 78A
Rds On (Max) @ Id, Vgs 3.3mΩ@10V,100A
Vgs(th) (Max) @ Id 3.7V@150μA