3D Printer E3D V6 Aluminium Heater Block Compatible With PT100 Temperature Sensor package, which is made under the E3D V6 model and compatible with E3D-V6 parts. The extruder is the base of the printing process. The solid plastic of the printing material known as filament gets into the extruder, then be melted due to high temperature and get out according to program command. This acts as a programmed fancy hot glue gun. The extruder has two main parts of the hot end and cold end, together (Direct extruder) or separated (Bowden extruder). The heater block is a part of the hot end, in which some essential parts of the hot end are mounted on this block such as the thermal sensor, cartridge, and nozzle. The main function of this part is melting the filament and holding the nozzle, in which the required heat is produced by passing the electricity through an electrical heat resistor, named heater cartridge. This heat block is presented with a mounted thermal sensor. The thermal sensor is high precision and high-temperature sensor of PT100.
3D printer
DIY projects
Material: Aluminum
Product name: V6 Aluminum Block
Size: 23 x 16 x 12 mm