3 از 5.0 با 5 رای
Description :
The MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad is an easy-to-use flash programmer and debugging tool for the MSP430G2xx Value Line microcontrollers. It features everything you need to start developing on an MSP430 microcontroller device. It has on-board emulation for programming and debugging and features a 14/20-pin DIP socket, on-board buttons and LEDs & BoosterPack-compatible pinouts that support a wide range of plug-in modules for added functionality such as wireless, displays & more.
The LaunchPad development board features:
14-/20-pin DIP (N) socket
Built-in flash emulation for debugging and programming
2 programmable LEDs
1 power LED
1 programmable button
1 reset button
Supports MSP430G2xx2, MSP430G2xx3, and MSP430F20xx devices in PDIP14 or PDIP20 packages
The LaunchPad's integrated emulator interface connects flash-based MSP430 Value Line devices to a PC for real-time, in-system programming and debugging via USB.
Includes one mini USB cable to interface with a PC.
Included MSP430G2xx device features:
MSP430G2553IN20 – 16kB Flash, 512B RAM, interruptible GPIOs (capacitive sense-capable),16-bit timers, 8ch 10- bit ADC, Comparator, Serial Communication (USCI – I2C, SPI & UART) & more
MSP430G2452IN20 – 8kB Flash, 256B RAM, interruptible GPIOs (capacitive sense-capable), 16-bit timers, 8ch 10- bit ADC, Comparator, Serial Communication (USI – I2C & SPI) & more
Included MSP430G2xx devices feature preloaded sample programs.
Free downloadable versions of IAR Kickstart and Code Composer Studio Version 5 integrated development environments are available and include an assembler, linker, simulator, source-level debugger, and C-compiler. These free IDEs are unrestricted on MSP430 Value Line devices.